Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to setup Lispbuilder-SDL on Mac OS X

  1. Register as Apple Developer.
  2. Download an install the Xcode (it sets up the tool-chain).
  3. Install the Lispbuilder-SDL to ~/lib/lispbuilder-sdl/
  4. Download sources of SDL, unpack them to ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14 (number may vary as new SDL is available!)
  5. Build a SDL: in folder ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14 run ./configure then make then sudo make install
    All these steps are described in ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14/README.MacOSX
  6. Run make command in folder ~/lib/lispbuilder-sdl/cocoahelper to build the cocoahelper
  7. Run emacs, in buffer *slime-repl sbcl* execute:
    1. (require :cocoahelper)
    2. (require :lispbuilder-sdl)
That's all folks.

How to setup SBCL+Emacs+SLIME on Mac OS X

Setting up an IDE.

We are installing the following set:
  • SBCL 1.0.29
  • Emacs (Carbon Emacs Package 2010)
    • Emacs Starter Kit

How to configure emacs. On "dotfiles".

To configure Emacs, one have to understand where configuration of this editor is stored. Here is the link to description: DotEmacsDotD. This link is useful, too: InitFile.
If you know nothing about the way the configuration is stored, you can hardly configure emacs at all. So, if you work with emacs, this information is a must.

To summarize, emacs loads files in the following order:

  1. site-start.el (to inhibit loading of this one, use "--no-site-file" from command line)
  2. ~/.emacs (or ~/.emacs.el or ~/.emacs.d/init.el) (use "-q" to prevent loading and "-u" to specify different one)
  3. default.el (set `inhibit-default-init' to non-`nil' to prevent loading of this one)

To gather this info use: M-: (info "(emacs) Init File")

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