Monday, December 13, 2010

Emacs: missing paredit and zenburn. Solution: ELPA.

To have the functionality of the paredit, zenburn and other extensions of the Emacs, there is an easy way to add them to the Lisp Cabinet. Just use ELPA, which is available in the Lisp Cabinet already.

So do following steps:
"...type  M-x package-list-packages. Type r in the package menu buffer to update the list of packages available from the server. If you want a particular package, type i next to its name to mark it for installation, and then x to download and install it."

Windows: Lisp Cabinet, Quicklisp, Lispbuilder-SDL.

There are many ways to provide Lispbuilder-SDL on Windows platform for SBCL.
I present the simplest one I found.

  1. Install Lisp cabinet. I installed SBCL version only.
  2. Run it (choose SBCL version in the dialog) and in SBCL REPL run the command (lisp-cabinet:load-quicklisp)
  3. Now we have almost everything done and the only lacking part is the Lispbuilder-SDL itself. To install it:
    1. Get the runtime of SDL library and put SDL.dll file, say, to C:\WINDOWS\ folder.
    2. Install the Lispbuilder-SDL with the following command in REPL: (ql:quickload "lispbuilder-sdl")

VoilĂ .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to setup Lispbuilder-SDL on Mac OS X

  1. Register as Apple Developer.
  2. Download an install the Xcode (it sets up the tool-chain).
  3. Install the Lispbuilder-SDL to ~/lib/lispbuilder-sdl/
  4. Download sources of SDL, unpack them to ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14 (number may vary as new SDL is available!)
  5. Build a SDL: in folder ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14 run ./configure then make then sudo make install
    All these steps are described in ~/lib/SDL-1.2.14/README.MacOSX
  6. Run make command in folder ~/lib/lispbuilder-sdl/cocoahelper to build the cocoahelper
  7. Run emacs, in buffer *slime-repl sbcl* execute:
    1. (require :cocoahelper)
    2. (require :lispbuilder-sdl)
That's all folks.

How to setup SBCL+Emacs+SLIME on Mac OS X

Setting up an IDE.

We are installing the following set:
  • SBCL 1.0.29
  • Emacs (Carbon Emacs Package 2010)
    • Emacs Starter Kit

How to configure emacs. On "dotfiles".

To configure Emacs, one have to understand where configuration of this editor is stored. Here is the link to description: DotEmacsDotD. This link is useful, too: InitFile.
If you know nothing about the way the configuration is stored, you can hardly configure emacs at all. So, if you work with emacs, this information is a must.

To summarize, emacs loads files in the following order:

  1. site-start.el (to inhibit loading of this one, use "--no-site-file" from command line)
  2. ~/.emacs (or ~/.emacs.el or ~/.emacs.d/init.el) (use "-q" to prevent loading and "-u" to specify different one)
  3. default.el (set `inhibit-default-init' to non-`nil' to prevent loading of this one)

To gather this info use: M-: (info "(emacs) Init File")

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